Senin, 03 Desember 2012

kopler comunity

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rahasia maen kartu poker.. :         ________________________           secret poker cards .. :
When Tom Durrr Dwan and Phil Ivey were all in, the pot contained $1.1 million dollars. It was the biggest pot ever in the history of televised poker. The record pot materialized after around 20 hours of play during the filming of Full Tilt Pokers Million Dollar Cash Game in London. When play began, the game was was full-ring no-limit holdem with a bunch of well-known pros such as Chris Ferguson, Mike Matusow, Allen Cunningham and Gus Hansen. After 20 hours of play, only three players were still playing: Durrrr, Ivey and Antonius. Thats when the big pot occurred. Durrr, Ivey and Antonius playing three-handed $1000/2000 no-limit holdem cash game on TV, how could anything in any form of media ever compare to that again? Durr and Ivey both flopped straight draws on a Q53 flop, and when the 4 on the turn filled their respective straights the money went in. A total of $1.1M. While Ivey had been drawing to the sucker straight with his A2, Durr with 76 had the nuts and pocketed a neat little win. Just another day at work for two legendary poker players, a classic moment in the history of television for the rest of us.
Ketika Tom Dwan Durrr dan Phil Ivey semua berada di, pot berisi $ 1,1 juta dolar. Itu panci terbesar yang pernah dalam sejarah poker di televisi. Panci Rekor terwujud setelah sekitar 20 jam bermain selama pembuatan film pokers Full Tilt Million Dollar Kas Game di London. Ketika bermain dimulai, permainan itu penuh cincin-no-limit holdem dengan sekelompok terkenal pro seperti Chris Ferguson, Mike Matusow, Allen Cunningham dan Gus Hansen. Setelah 20 jam bermain, hanya tiga pemain yang masih bermain: durrrr, Ivey dan Antonius. Thats ketika panci besar terjadi. Durrr, Ivey dan Antonius bermain tiga-tangan $ 1000/2000 no-batas permainan holdem tunai di TV, bagaimana mungkin sesuatu dalam bentuk media yang pernah dibandingkan dengan itu lagi? Durr dan Ivey keduanya menjatuhkan diri lurus mengacu pada flop Q53, dan ketika 4 pada gilirannya mengisi lurus masing-masing uang pergi masuk Sebanyak $ 1.1M. Sementara Ivey telah menggambar untuk pengisap lurus dengan A2 nya, Durr dengan 76 memiliki kacang-kacangan dan mengantongi kemenangan kecil yang rapi. Hanya satu hari lagi di tempat kerja untuk dua pemain poker legendaris, momen klasik dalam sejarah televisi untuk sisa dari kita.
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